My journey starts here

I'm starting this blog as for the first time in years I am feeling optimistic.  I have been riddled with health problems over
the past few years including spondylolisthesis, trigeminal neuralgia, dislocated knee, depression and possible fibromyalgia.

The spondylolisthesis has been the greatest impact on my life.  For the past two years I have had to use a walking stick and been in considerable pain if I tried to walk any distance.

It took a couple of years of trips to physiotherapists, chiropractors and doctors before I finally got a diagnosis.  Four weeks ago I had an ALIF spinal fusion for L5/S1 vertebrae and after a month I am finally able to walk pain free and a reasonable distance.  As I write this I am still in a body brace until next week when I will have the second part of the operation securing the cage and fusion from the rear.  Considering the progress I have already made I am optimistic that I will finally get my quality of life back.

I will use this blog to journal my recovery and how I have decided to seize life and at 42 begin to really enjoy life.


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